Thursday, 8 November 2012

Batik Process, Genius

 This is a project I worked on for surface design 2. It is batik on silk and this is one of the two stations I set up to maximize productivity because I was creating two batik pieces. This station was for dying and drying. I would paint the dyes onto the fabric which would weigh it down and cause it to droop so you can see that I put stretchers under the sides to keep it from touching the plastic because if it did the dye would run to places I didn't want and it would slow the drying time. It was left in this position and the two hair dryers on the right were turned on while I went to my wax station which is in the second photo.

The fabric has to be completely dry in order for the wax to properly adhere to it and flow through to the other side. I added many layers of wax and dye and I wanted to get it done in a day, so this process I created was vital for completion. It happened very naturally, it developed as I started working and turned into a full system of constant work. As the studio got more busy I had to share the wax station but I was able to get the two of them done and even take photos of the process, only because I was very proud of my productivity and felt it was worth documenting. It could also be my new iPhone which lead to these photos, it really makes taking photos so easy and it's kinda sad to say it's changed me a little, in a good way in terms of school, I get process work documentation now but I still can't believe it was, in part, an object.

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