Maybe it's just cause it's the most recent but this Christmas seems to have been the best Christmas ever. I have had an amazing time with friends and family hanging out, drinking, shopping, and whatever else.
My boyfriend and I agreed that we would do two gift exchanges, one with made gifts and one with bought gifts. I insisted on this because I get stressed out shopping for other people, making things comes easier for me.
I got him an Izod Lacoste sweater (second-hand) which is awesome and the fabric was really nice, a hand cream from lush because he's into activism (I was short on time with a limited budget), and lastly an engraved flask lol. I made a book for him because he likes to write and a scarf because knitting machines make that a quick gift.
His made gift was a poem he wrote about when we first met. It was the sweetest thing ever, he apologized for not being able to make something and for being corny but it was actually one of the best gifts ever, if not THE best it's at least in the top 3.
It's funny, I've actually just been texting a friend about Bright Eyes which got us on the topic of happiness, it was definitely a moment of true happiness when he was reading me his poem.
On a different note, my sister made me a website for Christmas! It isn't totally finished or close to it... but it'll be an online portfolio. Another gift I got which will really help this is a camera! I have been taking photos of my work this afternoon but I still have lots left.